Treating Visible Veins on Hands

A Before and After Photo showing clear reduction of vein visibility in a hand after treatment

Visible veins on the hands are unsightly, but they generally do not indicate a serious underlying condition. Treatment is available and it helps to know what your options are so you can take the next best step.

Here’s more about the causes and treatments for visible hand veins and how to request an appointment with The Vein Institute of Hunterdon to learn more about your treatment options.

What Are Bulging Hand Veins?

Bulging hand veins are the large veins on the backs of your hands that may protrude or “bulge” out. These veins can often contribute to an older-looking appearance, and some may find them aesthetically unpleasing. A vein specialist can evaluate your hands to properly diagnose your condition.

What Causes Visible Veins on Hands?

Veins on hands may be caused by one or a combination of factors. Potential causes of veins on the hands include:

  • Low body fat. Hand veins may seem more pronounced if you have a low body fat percentage.
  • Aging. Over time, skin becomes thinner and loses its elasticity to make hand veins stand out more clearly. The valves in veins may also weaken to cause blood to pool in the veins and make them bulge outward.
  • Exercise. Any type of exercise—especially strength training—often increases blood flow and blood pressure. This can push veins closer to the skin to make them more prominent.
  • Genetics. A family history of varicose veins or bulging hand veins may increase your risk for getting them as well.
  • Environment. Spending time in hot environments can increase the size of veins to make hand veins more visible.
  • Phlebitis. Also known as vein inflammation, phlebitis may cause veins to bulge outward.

Treating Hand Veins With Cosmetic Sclerotherapy

Cosmetic sclerotherapy is one of the top, most effective ways to treat hand veins. This minimally invasive treatment can reduce the appearance of hand veins and seal off problematic veins. It also produces minimal to no pain or downtime.

During cosmetic sclerotherapy, a vein specialist injects a solution called a sclerosant into the bulging vein. The sclerosant causes the vein to harden and collapse, which forces blood to reroute to nearby healthy veins. Over time, the collapsed vein is absorbed by the body and gradually fades from view.

If you are concerned about the appearance of hand veins, contact The Vein Institute of Hunterdon at (908) 788-0066 to request an appointment. One of our vein specialists can review your medical history, perform an exam and discuss treatment options for your vein condition.


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