Reduce large varicose veins and relieve painful symptoms.

Ambulatory Phlebectomy

What Is An Ambulatory Phlebectomy?

Ambulatory phlebectomy is an outpatient procedure that removes leg veins through tiny, slit-like incisions in the skin.

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What Is The Difference Between An Ambulatory Phlebectomy And Sclerotherapy?

An Ambulatory Phlebectomy procedure is often used for veins that are too large to remove via Sclerotherapy.

The Ambulatory Phlebectomy Procedure:

An Ambulatory phlebectomy involves four different steps:

  • Outlining or marking the veins to be treated;
  • Injecting local anesthesia into the skin;
  • Removal of the bulging veins, segment by segment, through small incisions, and
  • Wearing compression stockings for one week or more after the procedure.

Ambulatory phlebectomy is most commonly performed to remove large bulging varicose veins, although smaller veins can be removed as well. An analysis using ultrasound technology to identify the source of problematic veins will occur prior to the procedure.

womens legs

Does An Ambulatory Phlebectomy Require Anesthesia?

Ambulatory phlebectomy is usually performed under local anesthesia to reduce any pain you may feel during the procedure. At The Vein Institute of Hunterdon, we also give you Nitrouseal (also known as nitrous oxide, or laughing gas) to reduce any anxiety and pain produced by ambulatory phlebectomy.

Nitrouseal is effective and easy to use, and it requires no needles or IV placement. It prevents overdosing, is a safe alternative to opioids and produces effects that wear off relatively fast, so you can drive yourself home following treatment.

Many patients report experiencing little to no discomfort following ambulatory phlebectomy. We usually suggest wearing compression stockings during recovery and beyond so you can achieve the best possible results from your procedure.

Recovery From An Ambulatory Phlebectomy Procedure

Bruising and swelling are normal but temporary. Patients can walk immediately after the procedure and carry on normal daily activities other than exercise or heavy lifting. Patients must follow the activity restrictions and wear the compression stockings as directed by Dr. Tonnessen. Since this procedure involves physically removing the veins, they do not return. Depending on familial medical history, new varicose veins may form later over time.

The incisions should heal normally and do not require stitches. Over time, about six to twelve months, the incision site will generally fade.

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